This brings back memories. About a decade ago I sat in the public inquiry into the proposed North West Regional Spatial Strategy in enforced silence (as the procedural rules required) whilst the Chief Executive of Blackpool Airport trumpetted unchallenged to the Inspector about how his particular airport would also be soaring into the future … alongside Manchester, Liverpool etc etc. Of course he and all the regional decision and policy makers had been led to believe this fiction by the ‘expansion everywhere’ framework of the 2003 Air Transport White Paper – withdrawn 2010. Just a few years later, of course, came the financial crash and the Great Consolidation of regional airports began, as one by one the passenger numbers plummeted.
So Blackpool is just the latest casualty. See ‘‘A sad loss for Blackpool’ as unprofitable airport to close’ Guardian 8th October and ‘Blackpool Airport to close after ‘no buyer found’ – I wonder why?! BBC