Anthony Rae 10th July 2023 Transport for the North’s original STP began consultation in 2018 before being adopted in February 2019. In our engagement with the organisation we raised quite a lot of important issues – as you can see in the articles on this webpage from that time – , and most importantly about the need to include a commitment to decarbonise transport across the North to a level compatible with the Climate Change Committee pathway. . We were pleased that, following lots of correspondence and discussion, we were pleased that our recommendation was accepted, paving the way for the development and eventual publication of the TfN decarbonisation strategy in 2021.
TfN began the consultation around its updated STP in May and there’s a ‘virtual room‘ which allows people to more easily understand its proposals. At the moment we’re completing our assessment both the revised STP draft, and associated documents (which can all be downloaded here) including its sustainability appraisal (+ non-technical summary) and an update of the TfN independent economic review. After a discussion with Northern transport campaigners at the end of July we’ll be submitting a consultation response before the closing date on 17th August.
Some ‘headline’ assessments of the issues within the revised draft can be found in a briefing prepared by the environmental transport organisations grouping (ETOs) which you can download here. Please do refer to it in your own comments to TfN if you wish . . . .