‘Up to £1.6bn will be spent on improving transport infrastructure across West Yorkshire in coming years by a newly-formed authority. The West Yorkshire Combined Authority, a group made up of local councils, began work in charge of transport and economic development on Tuesday.’ BBC Read more here and Yorkshire Post 2nd April 2014 here
The transport section on the new Combined Authority website is here The first meeting of its Transport Committee is on Friday 25th April 2014 11am.
Also: “Julian Sturdy MP calls for “the creation of a third combined authority in Yorkshire to encompass North Yorkshire and the East Riding, with York at its centre, to compete with the newly established West and South Yorkshire rivals. … There is clearly scope for North Yorkshire, York and the East Riding to work together more effectively to share the potential rewards of our world class agricultural technology sectors. Such collaboration would also ensure the joined up protection of our greenbelt and share the burden of maintaining our large, predominately rural transport networks for the benefit of local residents across the three local authority areas”.” 18th March 2014