NvS: New Treasury figures show transport spending at 5 year low; London spend far higher than North and Midlands

“New analysis of recently released Treasury public spending figures reveals that public spending on transport in London is £545 per head compared with £236 per head (2.3 times higher) for the West Midlands and the North of England combined.

The figures per region are: £213 per head for the North East, £265 for the North West, £246 for Yorkshire and the Humber, and £202 for the West Midlands. The figures also show that public spending per head of population on transport is at a five year low for London, the North, and the West Midlands.

The disparity in public spending on transport between London and the regions is not matched for public spending as a whole, or for spending on education or health. It is also a relatively recent phenomenon rather than the historic norm.” 3rd December 2013

The PTEG analysis, which is from Treasury figures, can be downloaded here.